Wednesday 23 October 2013

My new life... so far

Hello my blogger friends!

Here is a very happy girl; I am writing my first blog post in my lovely new flat. Thursday became moving day; I have finally left the hostel lifestyle! No more creeping around a dark crowded dorm room trying to blindly find underwear, no more awkward conversations of ‘so where are you from? What are you doing here?’ and most importantly no more embarrassing bathroom corridor moments of forgetting your clothes… yes it did happen, and hostel towels are VERY small. I am now feeling more like a Vancouverite; settling down in East Van, a fusion of multi-culture, bohemian travellers and now us!

The 1st August brought around a lot of celebrations, not only moving day but also the new room-mates birthday! So that means top priority, alcohol! By the way, I'm living with an Irishman so we basically live in our own off license. Our neighbours must think we are constantly partying with all the wine bottles that get put into that recycling bin…. I have a bit of a cliché roomie. So alcohol may be a popular subject in these blog posts for the next few months. It wasn't a big birthday celebration but it did have gorgeous tasty treats and a lovely cooked meal from yours truly, a true delicacy of ‘spag bol’!

As travellers we didn't have a lot of things to make a house a home so shopping was the next thing on our list. One thing I did learn from moving day, I hate IKEA. It’s got to be the most confusing shopping experience you can have. Last time I went to an IKEA was donkey years ago so I wasn't too worried from what I could vaguely remember from last time, it’s not too bad. How wrong I was. Couldn't have been in there more than 10 minutes before I felt like breaking down and crying right in the middle of the a kitchen called something ridiculous like KALE! We made the decision to just grab whatever and get out of there so we could go back for some well needed hard liquor. Any future IKEA shopping will involve an army of people with specialised skills in code breaking, navigational skills and keeping cool in hostile situations... or on-line.  

For the first time ever I'm working in retail. Even though I had no experience the one and only store that I handed my CV into offered me a job. The idea  of working in retail made me pretty nervous, I'm more used to rushing around behind a bar attempting to work out slurred requests which I translate into meaning ‘another pint please darlin’ and ending the night smelling like a mix of beer and Sambuca… not a good combination, whether serving it or drinking it. But the friendliness of Canadians is no myth as I have been so welcomed and truly happy with my job... that's a first.

When I travelled to Vancouver I didn't know what would become of it. I had just finished a year of studying a mystery subject, as I have no idea why I took it. Once that was finished I didn''t know what to do. But when you leave your home, friends and family who all know who you and your trying to start over in a new place with new people, you need show off a bit, be confident about yourself and be true about you. That was the best thing to ever happen to me, it gave me the confidence to pursue something I have always wanted to do but been too frightened to admit. 3 years ago I applied for a course in Fashion and I scrap my application because I got scared. Stupid! I didn't think I would make it and I didn't want to fail (ironic). But, in a such a short time, my experience here made me be brave to reapply for what I want. So in September next year, hopefully, I will be back as a student and enjoying my course a million times more.

So to finish off this post I give one suggestion to all of you, travel! Even if you completely and utterly happy with your life, you never know what you might discover in that big wild world.

Wannabe Canadian signing off x 


I am so sorry for starting this blog and then just leaving to for the cobwebs. This absence is not because I haven't been writing, I just haven't been publishing. So I've finally gotten myself sorting, edited a couple posts and I'll be putting them up in the next few days. I'm in a new place, with a new job so trying to fit in time to work on my new blog has taken a bit of a back-seat, but hopefully I will be much better at it now. 

A very sorry blogger signing off. x

Saturday 17 August 2013

Financing the future of fashion...

As soon as I read the ELLE article (you can find it on I was straight onto the site. AudaCity of Fashion wants to help new and developing designers and companies get the financing they need when they are struggling to get it from the ‘big men’ banks. So they decide to let YOU help them. ‘Want to smugly reveal that you helped fashions next big thing’ ELLE’s Emma Sells says; who of you fashion passion people wouldn’t want to do that! The best bit about is that truly anyone can pledge. And I do honestly mean that. You can give as little or as much as you want so this means it really IS for the public. And (if you need more) you can even get rewards!  From a social media thank you, to being the first to wear a gorgeous little number from their new 2014 collection, you’re able to show off the fact that you are a part of the future of fashion. I think that one great way to pledge is as a group. Each of the group can give £10 and then you’ll pledge a larger amount for a bigger reward between you, if you don’t mind sharing that is.

At the moment AudaCity have three projects. There are two interesting projects both looking for funding so they can go to Fashion Week 2014. Ada Zanditon enjoys working with directors to produce creative films for her collection. This year she wants an artistic film to show a new line of her swimwear for fashion week. Jerboa Jewellery was founded by Victoria Barker, she works in her London based studio to create Middle Eastern inspired jewellery. Her products are absolutely gorgeous. The funding from you will help in so many different ways for this company, but mostly it will go towards their financing for fashion week.

But for me my favourite was Operation Wardrobe. In this time when we are looking for any ways to be ‘Green’ Operation Wardrobe is taking action and creating imaginatively designed items from unwanted clothing. They will take a simple old man’s jacket and turn it into a fresh new woman’s pencil skirt! Not only is this good for the environment and a new way of clothes-making that is becoming ever more popular for that reason but when you buy from Operation Wardrobe you know that NO ONE is wearing what you are, every piece really is individual.

An individual like myself just wanting to be involved in any way possible but can only afford a small amount is just as important as the higher paying individual, all pledges are appreciated. Get involved, and help these hugely talented labels get their work on the catwalk and among those big names.

So get on it, and get involved! LOL xxx

(image from

The beginning...

Here we go my first post on my first blog. I've wanted to write one for so long now and after recently having to throw myself out of my comfort zone... a lot, I realised that you should never hold back from doing what you want to! Be who you want to be, it's pretty simple really. So, I am and even more with this blog. I'm not going to bore you over who I am as I'm sure while I continue to write you will gradually find out more. My little 'posties' are going to be about my interests, admirations, dreams, experiences… and anything else really. I'll tell you now I am NOT a writer, so apologies for poor spelling, grammar and structure but that is not the main thing here. This is about me and anyone else who cares to comment expressing their views about the wonderful fashion industry (and maybe other related topics). Enjoy! LOL ('loads of love' not 'laugh out loud' let’s be retro!) xxx